South Australian employers wanting to apply for a DAMA endorsement can submit their applications through the Immigration SA Apply website later this week
The South Australian Government has entered into two DAMAs:
- Adelaide Technology and Innovation Advancement Agreement and
- South Australian Regional Workforce Agreement
Immigration SA will undertake the role of Designated Area Representative (DAR), which is responsible for endorsing employers seeking to access overseas workers through the Designated Area Migration Agreements. The DAMAs will enable South Australian employers to sponsor skilled overseas workers for positions they are unable to fill with local workers. Employers experiencing skills and labour shortages can apply for endorsement to enter into a DAMA labour agreement. This is an employer-sponsored program and individuals are not able to apply.
The age concessions in SA Regional Workforce Agreement DAMA require candidates to be under 50. Employers may consider applying under the standard Temporary Skill Shortage visa (subclass 482) outside of the DAMA for occupations with no concessions. Kindly refer to the SA website for the new occupation list for both the DAMA’s.