GTE Report Writing Services

Genuine Temporary Entrant Report

Proving Genuine Temporary Entrant requirement is one of the hardest things to do for a visa application. You may be a genuine temporary entrant but conveying it to the Department of Home Affair is not simple.

We offer services to Migration Agents and Lawyers to lodge a Decision-Ready application with support of a professionally written Genuine Temporary Entrant Report for your clients for various visa categories. If you are seeking assistance for your client, Contact Us today.

Order a GTE Report here.

GTE Reports are a critical requirement of certain visa programmes and consists of multiple statements and evidence supporting your client’s visa application and intention to go back to their home country after achieving their purpose of coming to Australia. Visas that require fulfillment of GTE criteria include Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Short Term Stream), Training 407 Visa, Student and Graduate Visas and Visitor and Working Holiday Makers Visas.

Thorough GTE Reports in support of visa applications addresses various requirements of the Department and plays a vital role in the success of your clients’ visa application. Your client must demonstrate that they have a genuine intention to stay in Australia temporarily.We are experienced in preparing GTE Reports for a variety of visa categories. Get in Touch with us to get your client’s report writing done by experienced writers in Australia.

GTE Report Writing Services
GTE Report Australia

DOHA has very strict and complex criteria to assess each applicant’s circumstances.Therefore, a good statement has to help the officer understand your client’s motivations for coming to Australia temporarily. We will gather your client’s information and help them communicate their intentions in the most effective manner. The final report will significantly depend on the quality and precision of information you and your clients share with us. It starts from understanding your client requirements and goal and we work from there to ensure we cover as much detail as possible. All details shared with us remain confidential and are used only for the purpose of preparing their GTE Reports.

Your clients are required to write their own statements which in many cases can be difficult as the Department’s criteria are complex. We can assist you or your clients in compiling the necessary data and communicating the statements in a clear and concise way to avoid unnecessary delays and/ or refusals.

Read our blog on GTE criteria for Training 407 Visa here.

Mckkr’s GTE Reports are professionally written and are considered one of the best in the industry. Talk to our friendly coordinator at +61 2 4626 1002 to learn more about our reports or fill this Form and we will get back to you shortly.