Compilation of Migration Regulation 1994 dated 26 June 2021 incorporates the amendments made by Migration Amendment (Merits Review) Regulations 2021 prescribing increased fee for review of visa decisions (including sponsorships and nominations decisions), except the protection visas decisions, by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).
Accordingly, pursuant to regulation 4.13(1) of the Migration Regulations 1994, the prescribed AAT fee is fixed at AUD $3,000 for applications, an increase from the previous fee of $1,826. In accordance with regulation 4.13A and 4.13B, the fee is not to be increased on 01 July 2021 and the amendment applies in relation to an application for review made on or after 01 July 2021.
The Compilation is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation on 09 July 2021 and commenced on 26 June 2021 and is currently in force.
To access the full Compilation, click here.