The Hon Alan Tudge MP is currently acting Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs in a recent press conference answered a very important question about world holiday visa holders and others who can be affected by travel restrictions due to COVID-19.
A question was asked how the Department is going to address the problems of working holiday visas or backpackers stuck in Australia because of recent travel ban resulting in lots of their flights cancelled.
Alan Tudge MP replied that this doesn’t just apply for working holiday makers, but it applies to other people who are on temporary visas and their visa may be coming to an end soon. He urged people to contact the Department of Immigration and inform them of their circumstances. Details were not given as how they will be handled but it was communicated that Department will look at case by case basis and will make a solution available so that these visitors don’t get unlawful but have a pathway to stay in the country till we lift the travel restrictions.