Migration (Arrangements for Visitor (Class FA) Visa Applications) Instrument (LIN 21/056) 2021 dated 28 September 2021[“the Instrument”], prescribes the requirements related to approved forms, place, and manner that an applicant for a Visitor(Class FA) visa must meet to make a valid visa application under any of its five streams: the Tourist stream, the Sponsored Family stream, the Business Visitor stream, the Approved Destination Status stream and the Frequent Traveller stream.
The instrument provides that applications for all streams must be made as an internet application through ImmiAccount. Applications for the Tourist, Sponsored Family, Business Visitor, and Frequent Traveller streams must be made using form 1419 (Internet) inImmiAccount, and the applications for the Approved Destination Status stream must be made using form 48G (Internet) in ImmiAccount. The applicants must indicate within the prescribed form the stream they are applying for.
The instrument also provides that any applicant under Tourist stream (outside Australia) and Business Visitor stream, on receiving written notice from the Department may make an application using a form and manner other than an internet form through ImmiAccount.
For the Approved Destination Status stream, a list of approved travel agents has been provided.
This instrument brings uniformity in the process of making an application irrespective of the passport an applicant holds for the Tourist, Sponsored Family and Business Visitor streams, by streamlining the arrangements.
The Instrument is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation on 29 September 2021 and commenced on 30 September 2021. It is currently in force.
To access the list of approved travel agents and the Instrument, click here