Migration (Arrangements for Temporary Work (International Relations) (Class GD) visas) Amendment Instrument (LIN 22/088) 2022 (No. 2) dated 26 October 2022, amends the Migration (Arrangements for Temporary Work (International Relations) (Class GD) visa applications) (LIN 22/009) Instrument 2022 to remove specification of Australian Agriculture Worker stream in Subclass 403 (Temporary Work (International Relations)) visas it has been repealed by the Migration Amendment (Repeal of Australian Agriculture Worker Stream) Regulations 2022 (the Amendment Regulations).
The commencement of the Migration Amendment (Repeal of Australian Agriculture Worker Stream) Regulations 2022 (the Amendment Regulations) on 1 October 2022, repealed the AustralianAgricultural Worker stream from the Subclass 403 (Temporary Work (International Relations)) visa streams, however, prior to the commencement of this instrument, the Subclass 403 visa had six streams:
- Australian Agricultural Worker stream
- Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular) stream,
- Foreign Government Agency stream,
- Government Agreement stream,
- Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) stream and
- Privileges and Immunities stream.
As the Australian Agricultural Worker stream has been repealed, the stream will no longer be specified in LIN 22/009.
The instrument was registered on the Federal Register of Legislation on 28 October 2022.
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