Migration (Arrangements for Resident Return Visa Applications) Instrument (LIN 22/019) 2022, dated 1 April 2022 updates the requirements for making an application for a special Eligibility (Class CB) visa, Return (Residence) (Class BB) visa, and for a Resident Return (Temporary) (Class TP) visa.
- Special Eligibility Visa (Class CB)
Applications for this visa must be made using form 47SV and be posted with sufficient prepaid postage to the Department of Home Affairs, Locked Bag, Northbridge WA 6865, Australia.
- Return Residence Visa (Class BB)
Applications for this visa must be made using an internet form 1085E through ImmiAccount unless a person has received a written notice from the Department that they can make an application via form 1085 by sending it to residentsreturn@homeaffairs.gov.au.The applicant must attach the written notice received from the Department to the application form 1085.
- Resident Return (Temporary) (Class TP)
Applications for this visa must be made using form 1085 either at a diplomatic, consular, or immigration office maintained by or on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia or be posted with sufficient prepaid postage to Resident Return Visa Application, Department of Home Affairs, GPO Box 9984, Sydney NSW 2001.
The instrument repeals Migration (IMMI 17/031 Arrangements for Resident Return Visa Applications) Instrument 2017.
The instrument is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation on 1 April 2022 and commenced on 2 April 2022. It is currently in force.
To access the instrument, click here.