Migration Amendment (Visa Application Charges) Regulations 2022[“the Regulations”]dated 23 June 2022, amends the Migration Regulations 1994 to increase the visa application charges for a number of visas to implement the annual Government policy of indexing visa application charges (VACs).
From 1 July 2022, the visa application charge will increase by 3% consistent with the previously forecasted Consumer Price Index and the increased amount will be rounded to the nearest $5.
The increased VAC will be updated soon in Schedule 1 in the Legendcom stack, until then it is advised to use this instrument for quoting fees to the clients.
The increase in visa application charge will be applicable for the applications lodged on or after1 July 2022.
The Regulations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislation on 24 June 2022 and commenced on 1 July 2022.
To access the Regulations, click here.