On 18 August 2021, the Australian Government has made an announcement to allocate 3,000 humanitarian places for Afghanistan to ensure that Australia continues to meet its commitment to the Afghan nationals amidst the current crisis in Afghanistan.
The Hon Alex Hawke MP, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services, and Multicultural Affairs has allocated more than a quarter of the annual humanitarian program places for Afghanistan and will offer priority to offshore applicants as well as provide them visa processing priority. The proposed allocation focuses on the family members of Australians, persecuted minorities including children, women, and girls, and other vulnerable groups. He also said, “And for those that will come here under this program, Australia has a highly successful humanitarian resettlement program which will assist all Afghan refugees to succeed in their new lives in Australia”.
The Government also emphasizedon the safety and security of Australia and accordingly, during the visa processing all applicants must meet the visa criteria as well as character, health, and security requirements.