Compilation of Migration Regulation 1994 dated 01 July 2021 incorporates the amendments made by Migration Amendment (Subclass 189 Visas) Regulations 2021, Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021, and Migration Amendment (Visa Application Charge) Regulations 2021 to reflect the relevant changes.
Migration Amendment (Subclass 189 Visas) Regulations 2021 reduces the number of years in which the income threshold must be met, from four to three years for an applicant for a Skilled Independent Subclass 189 visa and also removes the requirement that the income years must be consecutive. However, one of the years must be the most recent income year and the three income years must occur in the five years immediately before the date of visa application.
Home Affairs Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 makes changes in the citizenship fees for applications received by the Department on or after 01 July 2021 and updates the places and currencies to pay citizenship application fees, including the relevant exchange rates.
Migration Amendment (Visa Application Charge) Regulations 2021increases visa application charges for a number of visas by the forecast consumer price index (CPI), in accordance with the 2017-18 Budget Measure Indexation of visa application charges. It also includes changes to the Business Innovation and Investment Program which increases the visa application charges for most Business Innovation and Investment programs. It also repeals the two streams of Business Talent Permanent Subclass 132 visa and closes the Premium Investor Stream of the Subclass 188 Business Innovation and Investment Provisional Subclass 188 visa, to new applications, with effect from 01 July 2021.
The Compilation is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation on 11 August 2021 and commenced on 01 July 2021. It is now in force.
To access the full compilation, click here.