Invitation Round: 22 November 2021
Matrix nominating Small Business Owners: 02 invitations
- ACT 190 nominations: 02 invitations
- 190 minimum Matrix score:
- ACT 491 nominations: 0 invitations
- 491 minimum Matrix score:
457 visa / 482 visa holders: 02 invitations
- ACT 190 nomination: 02 invitations
- ACT 491 nomination: 0 invitations
Matrix nominating Critical Skill occupations: 51 invitations
- ACT 190 nomination: 04 invitations
- 190 minimum Matrix score: 115
- ACT 491 nomination: 47 invitations
- 491 minimum Matrix score: 65 (Accountants: 95)
Invitations were not issued if the applicants have an active application in the system or have previously received ACT nominations. The next Canberra Matrix invitation round will be held before 1 December 2021.